First I want to thank you for all the great responses you gave me to every question I have asked. In addition, you weebsite is saving me a lot of anxiety since I already made a big mistake becaused I believed what a sales rep told me and at the time did not know where to go to check his statements. Ihope everyone appreciates what you are doing for them. Prior to the Satbed I did try the Tempur-Pedic Rhapsody and for the first weel loved it. After a few weeks I noticed I was waking up with aches and some pain in my shoulders and hips. This was over 5 years ago and although I went to one of the larges retail stores in NYC their selection was limited and the bed that they recommended’ which would be a little softer did not come in full size only queen. That is why I stopped looking at Tempur-Pedic and went with the Satbed which advertised themselves as a memory foam and at the time used the word oxygen instead of air mattress. They also went on about the well respected NYC HOSPITAL purchasing their bed. The next best step would be to go to a retail shop and test the Termpur-Pedic which is right for me and make a choice between SELECT FOAM and CHRISTELI. At this time I just cannot afford a TEMPUR-pedic. Thanks again, you are getting me close to my perfect (I hope) mattress.

Hi cinn,

It’s good to see you’re getting close and I completely agree that if you are leaning towards a memory foam mattress that is sold online that the next step would be to find the Tempurpedic model that works best for you based on some careful testing and then along with your conversations with the online providers you are considering you will be in a much better position to choose between the two you are looking at or any of the other online suppliers that make a mattress that is a reasonable approximation of the Tempurpedic that you think will work best for you and that matches the parts of your personal value equation that are most important to you (including any return or exchange options).

I’m looking forward to finding out what you end up deciding.
