Advice on mattress (Netherlands)

Hi pl4nt,

Many of your questions are about PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and Personal preferences) so your own careful testing will be the only way to find out reliable answers about which mattress is the most suitable choice because each person is different.

While each person can be very different in many ways (body weight, physiology, weight distribution, variations in sleeping position, sensitivity, flexibility, health conditions, what they have become used to sleeping on, and many others) and there is no way to predict how anyone will do on a specific mattress with any certainty based on specs (either yours or a mattress) or “theory at a distance” (see mattress firmness/comfort levels in post #2 here) … in very general terms this would have higher odds of success yes.

Changing the firmness of the insulator can make a significant difference in the feel and performance of a mattress and the ability of the innerspring to contour to the shape of your body and this is one part of how innerspring mattresses are made firmer or softer. In general though … the weakest link of a mattress is in the layers over the innerspring and not in the innerspring itself. In most cases … the innerspring will have a bigger effect on performance than it will on durability. Again … the key is what your body is telling you when you test the mattress. If you are uncertain about whether your testing will “translate” into your actual sleeping experience then the options you have after a purchase to fine tune the mattress or to exchange or return the mattress would become a more important part of your personal value equation. Getting overly involved in coil count as a primary way to choose a mattress can be more misleading than helpful (see here and post #10 here).

Again this would depend on the results of your personal testing on the Hesseng and the Hesseng/Torod combination. What works “perfectly” for one person may be completely unsuitable for someone else to sleep on.

There is more about the most important parts of the “value” of a mattress purchase in post #13 here and the suitability of a mattress in terms of PPP and how well you are likely to sleep on it is always the most important consideration. Next is the durability of the materials (how long you will sleep well before the materials in a mattress soften and break down too much) and finally is how a mattress compares to your other finalists based on the other parts of your personal value equation that are most important to you. The first step is always to narrow down your choices at each store to a single mattress based on your testing and preferences. All the materials that you listed here are good quality materials but you didn’t list all the layers of each mattress you are considering.

I don’t know the firmness ratings of the latex you are considering but ILD is only one part of what makes one material feel softer or firmer than another (see post #4 here) and the ILD of different materials or different types and blends of latex aren’t directly comparable to each other anyway (see post #6 here) so putting too much focus on ILD alone can be more misleading than helpful.

Again … only you can decide how a mattress feels and performs in terms of PPP. If you can list the specifics of the layers and components in a mattress I’d be happy to make some comments about the quality of the materials or help you identify any weak links but the “PPP” part of choosing a mattress needs to be based on your own personal experience.

I would avoid any mattress where you aren’t able to find out the specifics of the materials inside it … it’s just too risky and the odds of buyers remorse is too high … and it doesn’t allow you to make any meaningful comparisons to other mattresses.
