Berkely Ergonomics

Hi aph7649,

I would keep in mind that Berkeley Ergonomics imports their springs and microsprings from Europe and also offers the ability to customize a mattress so the “value” of a mattress purchase from BE includes more than just the material value of the mattress.

I don’t know of any online manufacturer or retailer that offers a similar design with pocket springs, latex, and a microcoil (assuming you are talking about their microcoil models and not their other mattresses) so it would depend on what was available in your area. A few examples of mattresses that include innersprings, microcoils, and latex (but are not the same design) are in post #19 here. You would need to call and talk with each manufacturer or retailer in your area to ask them if they carried any mattresses that fit the criteria you were looking for or do a search on the site of a wholesale manufacturer that made mattress you were interested in and if there were any local retailers that carried it in your area … and then or course find out the rest of the layers.

Of course there are hundreds or perhaps thousands of “good clean mattresses” that use different designs or components depending on the specific materials or components you were interested in including in your criteria.
