Brooklyn Bedding Best Mattress Ever

Just dropping in to give my thoughts on the soft best mattress ever (note that I’m on the old version when they just called it the best mattress ever before they went hybrid) - I feel like mine started out too firm, they sent me a topper to help break it in, and it gradually got softer and softer so I took off the topper, and now with no topper I still feel like it’s too soft! I feel like it continued to get softer past the trial period and I would not purchase another soft mattress. For reference I’m a side sleeper 120 lbs who often sits in bed to read, and I particularly dislike sitting in bed with too much sinkage, but I also feel like my hips sink too much when lying down.

Hi skysongz.

I’m sorry your BMI mattress doesn’t work out well for you. At your weight after the adjustment period, the 4" of latex (2" of Talalay on top of 2" of Dunlop) within this mattress should not get softer “gradually” but keep its feel quite well over time. within the “breaking-in period” latex will soften only slightly with most of the adjustment coming from the fabric covering. I’d try to identify if the source of “softening” is not coming from the support system of your mattress or I’d look for any signs of premature sagging coming from a defective layer. Whenever someone comments about a mattress having a sag or sinking in too much into latex over time, I always suggest a “ground up” assessment to make sure that there is nothing under the mattress that may be contributing to the “sinkage” when lying down. I would first check the frame and support system under the mattress to make sure that it is perfectly flat and that there are no parts that are sagging or that are bending under the weight of the mattress and the people sleeping on it. It should provide similar support to having your mattress on the floor and you can test this by putting your mattress on the floor to see if it makes any difference. If it does then it’s possible that your support system could be part of the problem as well. While it would be unusual … if either of your latex layers are defective and there are visible impressions that are deeper than they should be then I would certainly talk to them about a warranty claim.
