Brooklyn Bedding

Hi smmimp14,

In general terms … there is no minimum or maximum weight that any topper can handle because every layer and component in a sleeping system interacts with and affects all the other layers and components in the sleeping system so whether any mattress/topper combination would be a good match for you or anyone else in terms of PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and Personal preferences) would depend on how all the materials in your sleeping system interact with each other and with the person sleeping on them.

There are so many variables involved both in the materials and design of the mattress under the topper and in the differences between body types and sleeping positions and personal preferences that a topper that works “perfectly” for one person may not work nearly as well for someone else … even if they have a similar body type. Memory foam especially can also be affected by temperature, humidity, and the length of time it is continuously compressed and there are also many specs that can affect the softness or firmness of a material besides just ILD (see post #4 here). With any material, using the ILD of a single layer by itself to assess how soft or firm a material or a topper will feel for any particular person in a particular sleeping system can be misleading but with memory foam in particular it is even less meaningful than it is for other types of more resilient materials.

I suspect that you may be misinterpreting what they told you or at the very least you may have misunderstood their answer because this certainly isn’t what they would tell a customer when they know that there are memory foams that are firmer than 11 ILD. Some memory foams are even in the high teens … although again ILD with memory foam isn’t particularly meaningful in “real life”.

They may have both believed that it would would work for you based on the information you provided them but these are always “best judgement” efforts to help a customer and I think that most people would realize that nobody can guarantee that any topper will work for any particular person on any particular mattress and it’s always a matter of making suggestions with the “best odds” that will usually be successful but sometimes won’t. I seriously doubt that either or them would “insist” that anything would work for someone because they both know that there are no guarantees that anything will work for a particular person that may be outside of the “averages”.

Inquire and Enquire are synonyms and both are “correct” (see here)

With this comment and some of the others you are making that don’t sound reasonable or accurate to me I am beginning to suspect that you are misrepresenting what they are saying to you or making up some reasons to criticize them because this (and some of your other comments) just don’t “ring true” to me. Your post has the “tone” of someone that has a hidden agenda for making the comments you are making or is scraping the bottom of the barrel to find reasons to criticize them … and quite frankly I don’t believe that what you are saying really happened the way you are representing it did.

It also doesn’t help that you are asking questions that don’t have any real answers because as I mentioned foam doesn’t have weight ratings and would depend on the specifics of the application.

Any two or three inch topper by itself would be “crushed” by 400 lbs which is why it’s used in combination with a mattress where the other layers in the mattress can absorb some of the compression forces.

Almost all questions about mattresses have an “it depends” in the answer and there are very few black and white answers to anything when it comes to mattress design theory. I would be much more likely to question your agenda and the reasons you are making some somewhat bizarre comments that are clearly meant to “influence” or that are trying to imply more than what you are disclosing … and that clearly show that you have little knowledge about mattresses or mattress materials … than I would be likely to rethink my recommendation of them based on the questionable comments of a single person.

If you don’t like the topper or it isn’t working out the way you hoped it would … just return it.

If you had used the information in post #2 here and the topper guidelines that it links to (or read most of the guidelines on this site such as mattress firmness/comfort levels in post #2 here) then you would have already realized before you made your purchase that it’s impossible for anyone to provide answers with the degree of specificity you seem to be looking for.
