Buy untried online or ease up on stringent "no foam" requirements? Need helps picking a mattress!

Hi Syrcusa,

My reply here in your other topic includes my comments about the sleeping temperature issues and latex that you mentioned here as well. As you can see from my reply there … your comments are certainly not representative of most people’s experience although each person is unique when it comes to both sleeping temperature and to which mattress is the best match for them in terms of PPP and the parts of their personal value equation that are most important to them.

In almost any area connected to mattress design and construction, what works well for the majority of people may not work well at all for others that are in the minority … as frustrating as that may be when you are one of the minority that experience issues that don’t seem to affect most people.

If you decide on a wool topper some of the better wool manufacturers and suppliers that I’m aware of that sell them are listed in post #3 here. I would keep in mind that cotton is much firmer and less resilient than wool (especially when it packs down and compresses) and it may be a good idea to stick to cotton fabrics around the wool rather than a topper with cotton batting.

My previous reply before this one includes this link to a list of some good quality innerspring/natural fiber mattresses.
