Casper mattress

Hi Ri,

Welcome to the Mattress Forum! :slight_smile:

I bought a king size Select Foam mattress 8 years ago for our winter home in Florida and still very satisfied with it

I’m glad you’re happy with your mattress.

Four exchanges in nine years? Wow-that’s quite a few. I’m sorry that didn’t work out for you.

I’m curious if you’re getting your mattresses from a reseller, or a new mattress retailer. If it’s a reseller, it could explain some of your issues with so many warranty replacements. As for your “latex” mattress, I can’t offer any commentary about that without knowing the componentry on the inside and the ILDs or densities of the foam layers, but I’m sorry that didn’t work out for you as well.

Yes, Select Foam is no longer in business. I can’t offer you more specifics for comparison, as you didn’t mention the model which you purchased eight years ago. If you know the model name, you may use the search feature here of the web site to search for that model name and you may be able to find the specifications of that particular model and then use that data to compare to other memory foam offerings. But in general, the Select Foam offerings would have used much higher density foams that the current Casper offering (you can see the specifications of the current Casper mattress in post #2 here), and the current Casper mattress uses only 1.5" of 4 lb memory foam in the second layer of the mattress form the top.

There is more about how one mattress may approximate another in post #9 here. Once you find out the name and then the specifications of your current Select Foam mattress you’ll be better able to find something that is closer to it in construction.

If you’re able to find out that information feel free to post it back here and I’ll do my best to provide commentary on it.
