Christeli vs Dreamfoam memory foam mattress

Hi triton0226,

Thanks for taking the time to share an update with your comments and feedback … I appreciate it :).

Your experiences with Christeli would certainly be much more typical of the experiences of the large majority of their customers but I also suspect that there is more to the previous poster’s story than they have included in their comments.


I am so pleased that I’ve received replies on my comments. To answer the cost question, we purchased two twin xl Palais Grand Royale mattresses at $2399 each. That did not include the adjustable frames we also purchased. We also purchased a Madeline mattress and adjustable bed for my 82 year old mother. She loves hers and we’ve had no problems with that bed whatsoever.

We received our beds in November, 2015. We gave it three weeks to adjust and then started calling about how uncomfortably hard the mattresses were for us. Christeli did work with us on ways to arrange the three pieces so we could find some relief. They kept telling us to give it time. I called every week to ask for an exchange in mattresses until Feb. 25 when I was told there was nothing they could do. I was devastated because there went a huge chunk of money and I was not getting any relief from PPP on this set. Yes, the “slab of concrete” was metaphorically speaking, however, that is how firm this mattress was for me. I literally ached while trying to sleep on it. In fact, sleeping is something that wasn’t happening for me on this hard mattress.

Thankfully, just today, I received a call from Christeli telling me that they decided to send us the Madeline as a replacement for the problems we have been having with our Palais Grand Royale. Even though the Madeline is a lot less money than the one we now have, I am at the point that I just want a good night’s sleep and to stop sleeping in my recliner!!

I’m sure there are many people who will be totally satisfied with the bed we have and may not notice the firmness, actually incredibly firm mattress at all. I am, at this point, just thankful that Christeli stepped up to the plate and instead of doing nothing, did manage to do something.

The lesson I have learned from all of this is to go somewhere and physically try out the product before buying it sight unseen. I realize that we all need time to adjust to any new bed, but at least in a physical store one can get a better idea than sight unseen.

Now, my mother went to sleep the very day we set up the bed and she said it was the best night’s sleep she ever had. I would be inclined to agree that each person is different with the PPP value, but the same issue is something my husband had as well. He can fall asleep so easily and this bed kept even him awake! So, I know I wasn’t the only one thinking that the bed was just too hard for me. I am hoping that the arrival of our new mattresses will put all of this to rest…literally!

Hi Scrapping Grammy,

Thanks for adding the update with some additional information. While they certainly wouldn’t be obligated to do so … it’s good to see that Christeli went “above and beyond” and was able to help you on an “exception” basis even though you were several months outside of the trial and exchange period for your mattress.


The pic attached is my review of Christeli. I submitted it exactly as shown, and of course, they didn’t post it on their website. I wonder how many hundreds of reviews like mine have been submitted and blocked by Christeli?