Coming to the end of a long search: Nettleton vs Aireloom...?

Hi mg517,

Just as a reminder … it may be worthwhile to read the tutorial post again (if you haven’t already) which has all the basic information, steps, and guidelines that can help you make the best possible choice.


The video doesn’t include the thickness of the foam layers which I would want to know but it does say that all the polyfoam is 1.5 lb density which is lower density/quality than I would be comfortable with. The spring and the side support are good quality. I would generally suggest a minimum of 1.8 lb density in a one sided mattress (and 1.5 lbs in a two sided mattress) so that you have much less risk of foam softening and the loss of comfort and support. You can read more about the factors that affect durability and the useful life of a mattress in post #2 here.


I would want to know the specifics of all the layers and materials in this mattress as well because without this you would be making a completely blind purchase and without this information there is no way to identify any weak links in the mattress or make meaningful comparisons with other mattresses.

Aireloom and Sealy are both manufacturers I would tend to avoid (see the guideline here and the list of the top 15 manufactures here) because the odds are low that you will be able to find out the information you need to make an informed buying decision.

Posts #2 and #4 here include some of the better options and possibilities I’m aware of in your area. I would always keep in mind that outside of testing for PPP that the most important part of a mattress purchase is making sure that you know the quality of all the materials and components in a mattress so that you can confirm that there are no weak links in the mattress and can make more meaningful comparisons with other mattresses.
