conflicting latex mattress advice relating to ILD/weight

Hi jamesy,

As you’re probably aware (if you searched the forum), both SleepEZ and Arizona Premium Mattress Company are members of this site which means that I think very highly of both of them and that I believe that they compete well with the best in the industry in terms of their quality, value, service, knowledge, and transparency. I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to purchase a mattress from either of them.

If you did a search on the site on Plushbeds, you would have seen some of my comments about Plushbeds in post #2 here. A forum search on Plushbeds (you can just click the link) will bring up much more information and comments/feedback about them as well. They also use good quality and durable materials in their mattresses (natural or organic Dunlop and Talalay latex) and there are no lower quality materials or weak links in their latex mattresses that would be a cause for concern either and they would certainly be a much “better than average” choice compared to most of the mainstream mattresses that most people end up buying. They do a lot of internet advertising so they do attract a lot of online attention for those that are looking for a latex mattress but I would make some careful “value comparisons” with some of the other component latex options that are available to you because they may not be in the “best value” range for many of the members here that are aware of the many other similar options that are available to them.

I’m glad. Keep reading, especially learning about latex in the links I provided, especially focusing on the style and the blend. Knowing about this will assist you in part of your personal value equation and help compare the value of one brand to another.

While the recommendations are different, each company is trying to find something that is appropriate with the products they offer that they feel will work best for you. After learning a bit more about each brand (making sure you’re comfortable with all of them), I would then make another call to each business and tell them the items you are considering, and then ask them specifically why they chose the configuration that they did for you and how it compares to the other ones you’re thinking about. They’ll get into as much detail as you like (or at least they should) as to why they advised what they did. You certainly have one choice that leaned toward a firmer support core, and you could question why they advised that versus the other two who advised the “less firm” (by comparison) cores. Also, to keep things simpler and minimize variables, I tend to lean toward avoiding toppers as an initial part of an online purchase and instead focus on the complete mattress first. You could ask about that recommendation as well and ask why it was considered appropriate. After you’re done with those calls, I would then reassess the information you’ve bene given, including the completeness that your questions were answered and the comfort you had with those responses, and then try to make a final choice. When you’re not able to test a product in person, then your best course of action is to rely upon the advice of qualified individuals who have your best interest at heart. Finally, make sure that you are familiar and comfortable with any potential return/exchange policy, just in case your choice doesn’t work out for you.

You’re right, I don’t referee (15 yard penalty for illegal recommendation! :woohoo: ). I just try to provide some good resources to put you in the best situation to make your own educated decision that will allow you the best chance at success.

Let us know what you hear back if you make those follow-up phone calls and what you decide to do.
