Denver Mattress HeveaPUR

Hi Warder45,

You would need to duplicate all the layers of a mattress including the type and blend of latex, the thickness of every layer, the firmness of every layer, and the type of cover and quilting material for one mattress to “match” another one. Only matching a single layer based on ILD alone which is only one of the specifications that can affect firmness won’t necessarily give you a “matching” mattress.

I would also be surprised if the Dunlop latex they use is really 14 ILD.

Returning individual layers is a fairly simple process. There are some instructions from one of our members in post #5 here and there are also some instructions here and some videos here and here that go into more detail about how to roll and compress latex.

You certainly have many pros and cons to consider and I’m looking forward to finding out what you end up deciding … and of course to any other comments or questions you may have along the way before you pull the trigger.
