DIY advice for Arizona Mattress purchase

Hey coherent,

Welcome to the Mattress Underground :slight_smile: ! Thanks for your question.

Congrats on your new DIY mattress journey :slight_smile: ! You can check out other DIY conversations using a TMU site search on topic “DIY” and check out unique and creative ways of others’ project approach, as well as ask Qs of them. You may also enjoy a read of consumer @Paracelsus462’s post"Thoughts from my 5 year mattress building journey", he has many useful points too. Some questions for you: what mattress are you currently sleeping on, how old is it and what size is it? What properties do you like about it? What would you change? Also, have you slept on an all-latex mattress before?

Thanks for considering a purchase from expert trusted member Arizona Premium Mattress! You will find working with @KenHightower to be most helpful for DIY guidance, as he is deeply experienced in that category and specializes in latex component construction. You’re welcome to either post your questions directly to their “Ask an Expert” forum or contact them by phone. I highly recommend you use Ken’s experience for addressing your specific comfort layering questions, he is most knowledgeable about latex’s unique performance properties, AZ Premium’s components and layering configurations that would best serve your preferences. Good luck with your research and let us know how things go :wink: .
