DIY Build Help

Hi, I am new to this forum, but have been researching a lot the past few months for the best possible mattress I can get for a decent price. I have decided that going with Arizona Premium DIY coil and latex hybrid is probably my best bet. I am so sick of buying mattresses only to get lower back pain in a few months when it starts sagging. I want a premium mattress that will provide proper comfort and last. I would like to go the DIY route.

I am a male 5’8" 150-160lbs athletic build who is a strict back sleeper and my girlfriend is 5’4" 160-170lbs and curvy build who is a strict stomach sleeper. That being said, please help recommend me a build that would suit us.

I was thinking as the base to go with the Leggett and Platt Combi-Zone pocket coils, with either 2" or 3" of latex on top of the coils as the comfort layer. I am leaning more towards Dunlop, but am considering Talalay. Could you recommend for us what ILD range for both Dunlop and Talalay (because not sure which I want yet) would be best for us, considering our height, weight, and preferred sleeping positions please?

Thanks for being very transparent to all of your customers. For us fed up with shady salesmen and the lies within the mattress industry, we appreciate the people who are honest and have our best interest at heart.

I’m assuming I did something wrong with the post. I’m new and it would’ve been nice to have an answer. Thanks.

Based on your info I would go with the Medium Dunlop 3" 28-33 ILD. I thought I responded some time ago.

Thank you very much. I just thought maybe I posted this in the wrong spot or something. New to this forum and trying to get used to the interface. I will probably shoot you a call soon. Thanks!

My pleasure