DIY Latex Hybrid Failure. Any way to remedy?

Hey Brandon,

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile: .

The EOS mattress that you tested features a wool batting + PLA comfort layer within the upper part of the mattress encasement, providing a much different feel than your current cotton mattress pad setup. Understood on the encasement purchase postponement reasoning, Brandon. You’ll find that using a well constructed zippered cover for containing your DIY setup will significantly correct any layer shifting and other transfer of motion you are currently experiencing. The thin cotton mattress pad currently in use simply isn’t designed to take on that task. When you are ready to take that step, have accurate measurements and a good understanding of the cover’s fabrication as the encasement also can influence the “feel” of the comfort layers sometimes firming up the mattress surface and resulting in a “drum” effect.

Thanks for including the links for reference, they were helpful :slight_smile: . Have you since spoken with Ken regarding what may better remedy your concerns after having slept on your DIY for a bit? Generally speaking, an inch of HD foam between the metal slatted platform and the pocket coil array could offer more stability; however, Ken would be the best judge of whether that would help solve the issue.

Latex, with its open-cell structure and natural air circulating properties will definitely get you where you want to be in terms of “sleeping cool”. The open structure of your metal slatted platform bed should help provide good air circulation too. The type mattress cover, linens, etc. all play a role in providing optimal air circulation as well.

If you choose to add an additional foam layer, it would be underneath the springs for stability of the pocket coil array rather than above. The addition of a latex topper is a matter of comfort preferences. As you both have stomach sleeping positions, take care that the comfort layer you choose provides enough firmness, as sinking in too far can cause pain in the lumbar area and increase risk of back issues.

Hope you find the solution to your motion situation Brandon, and feel free to share updates when you can :wink: .
