Down the Rabbit Hole I Go!

Hi idlewild,

I don’t treat one as being better or higher quality than the other, they are just different. There is more about the different types and blends of latex in post #6 here and more about the differences in “feel” between Talalay and Dunlop in post #7 here but the most effective way to know which one you prefer would be based on your own local testing or experience.

The tutorial post includes this link to a list of the members here that sell mattresses online that include many latex and latex hybrid options. Posts #3 and #4 here also includes some of the better lower budget latex and latex hybrid options I’m aware of as well.

With the hours I spend with answering posts, researching, talking with retailers and manufacturers, and all the other parts involved with maintaining The Mattress Underground (about 16 hours a day 7 days a week), it would be difficult to have a day job even if I wanted one :slight_smile:
