Dreamfoam Ultimate Dreams 13inch Gel best value?

Looking to buy the Dreamfoam Ultimate Dreams 13inch Gel best value or is there a better one for the value? We’re planning on getting the king size with the Sleep Master Frame. Has anyone found a good headboard and footboard for that frame?

Hi sellong316,

The Ultimate Dreams 13" Gel Memory Foam Mattress can certainly be a great choice for someone that has tested the Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe and it worked well for them in terms of PPP and they are in an average weight range because many people including Dreamfoam have said that it’s similar in terms of softness/firmness except perhaps just a bit firmer. As you know Dreamfoam is one of the members here and I think highly of them.

Other than that … which of the many options you have available to you would be “best for you” would depend on your body type, sleeping positions, personal preferences, and all the other criteria of your personal value equation that are most important to you.
