Ecosleep Model Comparisons

Hi sayedhamdani,

I don’t keep a list of the specific mattresses that are available in each area but the Baltimore list in the other thread would be the most likely possibilities I’m aware of in your area. You would need to call them and ask if they have any latex hybrid mattresses that have about 3" of soft latex in the top layers. The closer the specs of all the layers and components are to each other … the more similar two mattresses will “feel”

The tutorial post here has links to several posts that include the guidelines I would use for testing mattresses (they are part of step 4).

The pelvis would be in firm contact with the mattress (it’s the heaviest part of the body) but I’m guessing you mean the recessed part of the lumbar (the small of your back when you are on your back or the waist when you are on your side). If you can easily slide your hand under the gap with little resistance it generally indicates a mattress that the comfort layers are either too thin or too firm and you aren’t sinking in enough to fill in the gaps in your sleeping profile.
