Eve Mattress

Thanks for sharing this info. It will be interesting to hear your thoughts when it arrives. Where is their showroom? I can’t find this info on their website.

I’ll keep this as another option to explore if my next home trial doesn’t work out (and I really hope it does!). I’ve ordered a Dormeo Octospring:

They offer a 60 day home trial with full refund. They are significantly different from anything else I’ve tried and they offer a variety of options, which I have a little more confidence in over the one size fits all model.

They are much more expensive than Eve and One, but I phoned the company and they had some slightly different models that they produced for Dreams avail;able at a much cheaper price, details towards the end of this thread:

It arrives tomorrow, I’ll update with first impressions then.

I hope the One really is the one for you, but as well as Octospring, SleepingDuck and Leesa are now available in the UK and offer 100 day home trials. There seems to be a new one appearing every week at the moment!

Leesa is a one size fits all that has been available in the USA for a while. As I understand it from this forum, there are potential longevity issues with some of the materials.

SleepingDuck are a newer company from Australia. It’s a pocket sprung mattress in a box with the choice of two different comfort layers, which can be be exchanged without having to send the whole mattress back (neat idea).