Feedback on Green Sleep

Hi lauraf,

A forum search on Greensleep and on Dolcezza specifically (you can just click these) will bring up more information and feedback about both of them. Both of them are very high quality mattresses with good designs that use high quality and durable materials and components.

In terms of ā€œmaterial valueā€ ā€¦ both Greensleep and Sleeptek are in the more premium end of the budget range compared to other mattresses that use similar materials but value has many components and each person has their own personal value equation which is all the objective, subjective, and intangible factors that are the most important part of any mattress purchase. The suitability of a mattress in terms of PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and Personal preferences), the quality of the materials and components (including the cover and quilting which can be a significant part of the cost of a mattress), the ability to customize a mattress before and after a purchase, along with the knowledge and service of the retailer you are purchasing from are all important parts of value and for many people price is less of an issue than the many other parts of ā€œvalueā€. The goal is always to make meaningful comparisons based on the criteria that are most important to you.

Both GreenSleep and Sleeptek are wholesale manufacturers and at this stage of the sites development membership is only available to retailers or factory direct manufacturers. At some point down the road there may be a type of membership available that allows wholesale manufacturers to become members as well but for now itā€™s limited to manufacturers or retailers that sell directly to consumers.

There are also dozens of manufacturers and retailers that I think highly of but are not yet members and are identified in the various lists throughout the forum. Membership is generally a side effect of my ongoing conversations with retailers and manufacturers and I donā€™t actively ā€œseekā€ new members. In other words the process is more ā€œorganicā€. In most cases I wait for them to ask and some of them havenā€™t even been to the site enough to realize that membership is even an option. In some cases I have talked with them for several years and the idea hasnā€™t even been discussed. I have known one of the newest members that will be added in the coming week for example ( Calgary, Edmonton & Sherwood Park Mattress Stores | Mattress & Sleep Co. ) that sells both Greensleep and Sleeptek for over three years since before the site even started and talk with them frequently but more specific conversations about them becoming a member here have only been more recent. There is more about how the members are added in this article and in post #5 here. There are a number of new members that will be added in the next few weeks as the membership has been ā€œon holdā€ somewhat until I finished a few related projects that I have been working on in the background before I started with the next phases of the siteā€™s development. Membership only recognizes the quality, service, and value that already exists and there are many great options that are listed in many of the lists across the country that may not be a member for years or in some cases may not even realize that a site called The Mattress Underground exists (although thatā€™s unlikely if people found them through the forum lists).

My goal in other words has always been to point to value wherever I find it regardless of membership and let the membership be a side effect of ongoing conversations that looks after itself as more manufacturers and retailers become more aware of the goals and ideals of the site.
