Feedback on latex innerspring idea

Hi wsmith,

You certainly aren’t alone in this and there are many others whose favorite type of mattress is an innerspring/latex hybrid (see post #6 here and post #13 here). Your mattress also has the benefit of being two sided which will add to its durability as well (see post #3 here for more about the pros and cons of two sided mattresses).

I’m not sure of the specifics of this mattress but if your testing indicates it is a good match for you in terms of PPP then I would pay more attention to your own testing than any “theory” as long as all the materials in the sleeping system are good quality. Both cotton and wool are high quality and durable materials and are suitable for higher body weights although to some degree they will tend to become a little firmer as they compress over time.

I would be very cautious with this unless you can test it in person because the quilting components will be a significant part of the feel and performance of the mattress. I would personally lean towards what you know works well for you than making changes that are unpredictable or uncertain. There is more about the effect of quilting layers in post #12 here and the posts it links to. Because every layer and component of a mattress will have some effect on every other layer (including the cover and quilting in a mattress) the effect of making what to some may seem to be “small” changes to the design of a mattress can have a surprisingly significant effect on the feel and performance of a mattress.

If you are comfortable with some trial and error and with the likelihood that your topper may turn out to be different from the cotton wool topper you are considering then it can certainly be rewarding to make something yourself but I would make sure that you have realistic expectations about whether it will feel or perform the same way because of the differences in the materials and all the other variables that are involved in wool toppers (see post #6 here). IMO … the “best” approach for a DIY mattress or a more complex component (such as a wool topper) is a “spirit of adventure” where your experiences and the satisfaction that comes from the DIY process itself and what you learn along the way are more important than any cost savings which may or may not happen … depending on how your DIY design works out for you in “real life”.

If you tested the mattress on a rigid non flexing foundation (a box spring has springs that flex under the mattress while a foundation has no flex) and this is what they recommend for this specific mattress then any suitable support surface that also has no flex and provides even support under the mattress would also be a suitable choice that would “feel” the same or very similar but in general a manufacturer themselves would know more about the type of support system that would be suitable for any of their mattresses (and would meet the warranty criteria).
