Final Decision Help: Flexus vs. Custom Comfort vs. Berkeley Ergonomics

Hi trojanman,

Not necessarily no. A mattress will tend to soften and break down from the top down (the top layers are the ones that are under the stress of ongoing compression) and it’s unlikely that either a good innerspring or a latex support core will be the weakest link of either mattress. How the top layers compare (the top 4" or 5" or so of each mattress depending on a person’s weight and how much they tend to sink in to the mattress) will have much more to do with their relative durability than the support cores and a good innerspring or a latex core will both be very durable. If you were sleeping directly on the support core then latex would likely be inherently more durable but it’s the upper layers that are compressed the most that are the ones to compare. You can read more about the factors that affect the durability of a mattress in post #4 here.

Microcoils haven’t been out for long enough to really know their longer term durability in real life but I would say that latex would outlast these as well as long as the latex wasn’t too soft. 100% natural Talalay latex in softer ILD’s may also not last as long as blended latex if it’s made by Latex International but Radium in Holland has told me that they use a different curing paste with their 100% natural Talalay (which is what BE uses) which creates a denser cell structure and their testing indicates that their 100% natural latex in softer ILD’s will last as long as their blended Talalay (although I’m not completely convinced).
