Finaly a way to afford an all natural mattress! Make one yourself even if you cannot sew.

Open Your Eyes Bedding sells kits to make your own buckwheat hull mattresses. We sell kits (basically the 100% cotton fabric tubes and organically grown buckwheat hulls in bulk) so you can simply fill and twist together your own mattress for a fraction of the cost of an organic mattress. These mattresses are especially good for people suffering from back pain.


Thanks or your post and for letting us know about what you are making.

As you know from our conversation earlier today … the rules of the forum are designed so that manufacturers or retailers don’t promote themselves on the forum (and turn the forum from an educational source into an advertising medium) and limit their posts to more generic information or answering specific questions by the members of the forum about mattresses (such as “what is in this mattress?” or “Why does this work the way it does?”).

Having said that … I also “bend” the rules for their first post so that they can introduce themselves to the other forum members and provide a sense of what they are making and/or selling as long as it’s not what I call “blatant” self promotion.

You are certainly making some interesting mattresses and it would be great to provide more information as time allows about the specific benefits of buckwheat hulls (or millet hulls) in a mattress and how they may compare to other materials and combinations in terms of performance and “feel” etc.

When I first saw your site two years ago and posted about it on another forum (when it was on etsy) … you were using buckwheat hulls on top of 2" of latex and your comment was that “you could imagine kings and queens sleeping on this”. I’m curious how this evolved into just the buckwheat hulls and how you find the difference.

Thanks again for finding us and introducing yourself :slight_smile:
