Foam Mattress

Hi shawk26,

Post #4 here has a list centered on Trenton, NJ which should help. :slight_smile:

The closest to you is Croydon in Bensalum and while they use good quality materials and are close enough to warrant a visit and include in your research … they are not as focused on material information as other manufacturers. Post #7 here has more detailed comments about most of the choices on the Trenton list (and others that are further away as well) which should help decide which of your choices best match your needs and preferences and your personal “value equation” (the things that are more and less important to each individual).

It’s often well worth making a few phone calls first before actually going to test mattresses to get a sense of the overall approach of each outlet you are considering and get a sense of which ones you best “connect” with.

You have some some good choices within reasonable driving distance.
