FOR SALE: SleepEZ King Latex Mattress - Washington DC Area

Hi jschmid,

I’m sorry to hear that your mattress didn’t work out as well as you hoped for and hopefully one of the members in the Washington, DC area will be interested in purchasing it.

Based on your feedback in your previous topic here I would also be interested in an update to find out more about your experience on some of the other combinations that were mentioned there. In particular I would be interested in your longer term experience on the S/M/F Dunlop which seemed to be working relatively well for you when you last posted and on S/F/M Dunlop which would firm up the deeper support layers of the mattress. An additional combination that may have been worthwhile trying is M/S/F Dunlop.

Just for reference and for pricing purposes … the current listed price for the 10" Natural Select Sleep Latex mattress that is available with 100% natural Dunlop for all three layers (so one of your firm layers would be different) is $1895 and the members here would be eligible for an additional 5% discount which would reduce the price by an additional $94.75.


PS: Selling a mattress on the forum normally requires prior permission (see the forum rules here) but since you meet all the other criteria I’ve decided to allow it “after the fact” in this case :slight_smile: