Goodbye Latex Mattress - moving on

Hi Dreamer77,

I’m still not clear from your posts what actual symptoms you are experiencing on the mattress.

You’ve mentioned that you believe you are sinking in “too far” into the support core but unless you are in a very high weight range this is somewhat unlikely and is a more “subjective” assessment about the feel of the mattress that may not be an accurate way to know whether a mattress is a good “match” for you in terms of PPP (see post #6 here).

A mattress that has a 36 ILD latex support core and a 2" 24 ILD latex comfort layer would be in a firmer range for most people but it would certainly be suitable for a much wider range of people (including adults) than a young child with a “flat” body.

If the only issue is that your mattress really is too soft in the center of the mattress then some of the suggestions in post #4 here and the zoning information in post #11 here may be helpful as well.

While I don’t know your weight or body type … I have a nagging feeling that the firmness of your support core may not be the issue you believe it is.
