hard Dunlop latex mattress for lower back pain

Hi Dag,

I’m glad I asked because there are some options in the general Indianapolis area within reasonable driving distance where you can test latex. They are listed in post #2 here.

I understand this as well and manufacturers generally don’t give specific “recommendations” because there is no way to know for certain how well someone will do on particular layering but most of them will provide you with “suggestions” or information about the more typical choices that others of your height and weight may tend to do better with so it would be more in the realm of guidance.

I think it would be rare that most people who were typical side sleepers would do well with 6" of 45 ILD Dunlop … even in their “younger” days … and those who say they liked it would be exceptions IMO.

“Hard” beds are just not great choices for most people (and too soft is just as bad in most cases) and the ideal tends to be firmer core layers with enough softness on top that there is good pressure relief and conforming or “secondary” support. At least you have some good options to test latex nearby which can give you a better sense of what you may do best with and that can act as a reasonable guideline for your second mattress.
