Help me pick a latex matress

Hi ElderBlaze,

They still make an innerspring/latex mattress but it’s only available locally not online. Most of the comments I’ve seen about them on the WTB mattress forum were/are very positive so I’m not sure what comments or “rating” you are referring to or their author or credibility.

They have also been working on a new main website that is a little “cleaner” for some time but it’s not ready yet and I would focus on the mattresses that are listed here which are the ones that they sell online.

In my experience … most of the best manufacturers manufacturers in the country are “mattress people” and many if not most of them are far from being the best “marketing people” and often don’t have the greatest websites.

I don’t keep a record of prices in my head so that part of your research you would need to do for yourself but there are some latex/innerspring hybrids included in post #2 here that may also be worth considering.
