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To clarify, the mattress & cover are from Sleeping Organic - the “Leaf” model. I chose Sleeping Organic over Savvy Rest both because of the lower price, and because Savvy Rest does not allow returns, whereas Sleeping Organic does. I wasn’t comfortable making this large of a purchase without a return policy. I got the standard wool/cotton quilted cover from Sleeping Organic. So far, even though I am allergic to wool, it is heavy enough cotton that it does not trigger my allergy. But I was happy to know that if it was a problem, I could exchange it for an all cotton version. I wanted to try the wool one despite my allergy because will compresses less over time, and because it is more dust mite resistant. The cotton mattress protector (goes over the mattress cover to keep it from getting dirty) is from ESD. The ESD Protector page has details on the it, including its price & my thoughts on it.