Help - Need Sleep!

Hi Triangle 1,

I would agree with Novosbed’s comments and every category of mattress comes in a wide range of designs and firmness levels. As you can see in a similar answer from yesterday (see here) … excluding an entire category of mattresses because you didn’t like one model out of hundreds that may be available would be a little like never eating fruit because you didn’t like the taste of McIntosh apple.

The first place I would start with any mattress research is post #1 here which has the information, steps, and guidelines that can help you make the best possible decisions (and perhaps more importantly avoid some of the worst ones such as Kingsdown and other major manufacturers, chain stores, or any mattress where you aren’t able to find out the quality of the materials they use inside them).

Brand recommendations are mostly meaningless because it’s always the quality of the materials in a mattress that determines its quality and value … not the name of the manufacturer that puts the materials inside a cover.

As you will see in the guidelines I linked … smaller manufacturers that are open and transparent about the mattresses they make and are sold either factory direct or through better sleep shops across the country are by far the best choices in terms of the quality and value of their mattresses.

Post #4 here includes some of the better options or possibilities I’m aware of in your general area.
