HELP.. new 12" full tallalay mattress KILLING my back

Hi A-raw.

Thanks for the additional information. You won’t need to "try 21^7 combinations… " … you need to find something that works better and then move into that direction with just changing one zoning at a time to see how your body reacts … small mindful steps.

If the firmer, left-side configuration is less painful, then I would venture to say continue down the path for firmer support as you experiment with your configurations. Perhaps firming the areas surrounding the lumbar without firming up the lumber piece itself may be a configuration to try? This is also something that would give you an indication if it is A or B. Typically in the shoulder or arm are pressure point issues and can come from a mattress (in your case the shoulder zoning) that is too firm and puts direct pressure on the shoulders, the shoulder blades, or on the back muscles and can also cause soreness and tingling in the arms but it can often come from postural issues as well. There is some much more detailed information on the shoulder and arm issues in posts #2and #3 here. I’d make sure to pinpoint the type of comfort/support (primary/secondary) issues that may contribute to your soreness and also assess the pillow you are using as this can be a big contributor as well. (Picture 3 shows a high loft pillow which might throw a wrench in the works).

In the case of hip pain, too soft zoning can cause your hips to be out of their neutral alignment and sink down too far which can hyperextend the hip joint and can lead to a burning feeling or pain from joints, muscles, and ligaments that are stretched beyond their neutral alignment. This would more of an alignment issue except instead of spinal alignment it’s about joint alignment. I’d also make sure to check the pillow issue and verify that the bed has good central support and if it is not sagging under the weight of the mattress and the people sleeping on it.

Best of luck in your search for a PT or chiropractor who will do a house call. I am hoping you have you find someone willing to help out.

Please keep me posted with how different configurations end up working for you and if you have any additional questions!
