Help to a Newbie on a mattress!!!

Any of these look to be a good bet?

Hi thrasher,

Bedrooms and More has some knowledgeable and helpful people on staff and their latex mattresses all use high quality materials and have no weak links in their design. 45th Street Bedding is their own brand. they would certainly be one of the retailers on the Seattle list that would be worth a visit if you are up to driving that far.


Sweet! That’s what I wanted to hear! They said that we could work something out for a delivery too.

The guy I talked to was very informative and he said that it is pretty unusual that people want to know about the bedding as much as I was asking. He was more than happy to offer up any and all information and knew it all without hesitation. Heading there this weekend!!

These guys are right downtown from us… Checking them out too they allegedly have some of the 45th line too?

Hi Thrasher,

I didn’t see any 45th Street Bedding mattresses on their site when I looked (they only list the Englander latex) but if they carry them then they they would probably be worth a visit.


The sales guy was so helpful at Bedrooms and More, he was trying to save us a trip, so he recommended the store in Fairhaven, NW Solutions since they carried a few of theirs. The wife stopped by after work tonight and laid on this one and said it was amazing and they were super helpful. At least we have an idea of what they have to offer. This weekend we are going to head to Bedrooms and More and check out all they have to offer. Seems like we are going to pay a little more, but once you start figuring it out, cost-wise $ per day of use, it’s merely pennies really.

Thank you for the help thus far by the way. :slight_smile:

Hi Thrasher,

I agree with this and the “value” of a mattress purchase includes much more than just the “commodity value” based on the cost of the raw materials in a mattress (although you always would need to make sure that there are no obvious weak links). This is why I encourage people to evaluate a mattress based on parts of their personal value equation that are most important to them.

When you look back on a mattress purchase a decade or so from now you will remember much more about how well you slept and how long it lasted than you will about how much you paid although of course the price you pay is also an important consideration when you are comparing similar mattresses.


Well, we ended up heading down Saturday and picked up this mattress, along with a wool topper.

Last night was night #1. Not really sure what to expect. We have a 60 day exchange policy so the next several weeks will be interesting. Neither my wife or I had a “wow” moment on the bed last night. It is fairly comfortable, but since our previous bed was so far gone, we are wondering if there is an adjustment period now for our bodies to adapt. When we were at the store, we laid on their “plush” which seemed pretty cushy but we were concerned that it would lack support. Their firm was recommended based on my neck and back issues along with sleeping styles, since I often end up on my stomach.

On that note, the times that I woke up last night were on my back or side and I didn’t wake up near as many times. So, this is a good thing right?

I guess we were both anticipating trumpets and chariots when we slept on it for the 1st night. My wife however is optimistic that since it’s only been one night, it will be better once we adapt. Me on the other hand, I wonder if it’s already too firm and with 100% latex, there isn’t any change to wait for.

Hi Thrasher,

Thanks for letting us know what you ended up deciding and congratulations on your new mattress. You certainly made some high quality choices :).

I think that the most important goal of a mattress is that it “disappears” underneath you rather than “wows” you and that you wake up rested and refreshed without any pain or discomfort. When it comes to mattresses … feeling less (pain, discomfort, pressure points, or “annoyance” because of how the mattress responds or from waking up) is usually better than “feeling” more and the “wow factor” is usually more a part of the showroom feel than your actual sleeping experience since you can’t feel your mattress when you are asleep.

It will take a few weeks in most cases to get used to any new sleeping surface and it’s fairly normal at first to be very aware of every sensation you feel on a new mattress because it’s “different” but the ideal end result is always measured by the quality of your sleep and how you feel when you wake up in the morning.

I would think this is a good thing yes :slight_smile: It’s also a “good thing” if you are sleeping on your stomach less because this is the most “risky” sleeping position in terms of back pain and discomfort … although sleep studies indicate that most stomach sleepers spend less time on their stomach than they may think they do.

There will be some break in period for any new mattress as the materials lose any of their “false firmness”, the layers settle in (including the wool), and the cover fabric loosens and loses some of it’s initial stiffness … even with a latex mattress. This goes hand in hand with your own “adjustment period” to any new sleeping surface. The break in period and your adjustment period are typically a few weeks but are normally less than a month (although it can be longer in some cases).

I’m looking forward to any more updates you have the chance to share but whenever possible I would wait a minimum of a couple of weeks (and preferably longer if your experience is still changing over time) before “assessing” your mattress and deciding whether you need to make any changes.


Granted, it’s only been a few days, but as of right now, I am not 100% sold on this mattress. Perhaps I am speaking too soon. I am getting up in the morning, lower and upper back sore. I feel like it needs to be a little softer, but in being softer, am I sacrificing the support I have long since needed? And, is the soreness I am feeling all a part of the adaptation process to this better bed?

My wife says that my heavy snoring each morning when she wakes up AND seeing me sleeping on my back, is a tell tale to her that I am clearly sleeping much better. I haven’t noticed waking up as much as I was previously either, but when I do wake up, I am not thinking, “Wow, this bed is soooo comfortable…”

Hi Thrasher,

Yes … it can take some time to adjust to a new sleeping surface … especially if it’s significantly different from your old mattress so the minimum amount of time I would give any new mattress whenever possible is at least a couple of weeks (and preferably a little longer). If your sleeping alignment is different from your old mattress then there can be some discomfort at first even if your alignment is better because your body can be uncomfortable with change … even if it’s an improvement. The key is whether your symptoms or discomfort improve over the first few weeks or whether they stay the same (or get worse).

I feel like it needs to be a little softer, but in being softer, am I sacrificing the support I have long since needed?

The deeper layers of the mattress are the “support layers” and the upper layers are the “comfort layers”. If the comfort layers are too thin or too firm then you may not be sinking in enough to relieve pressure and the support underneath some parts of your body that needs it may be worse than if the comfort layers were softer or thicker because a mattress that is too firm may not “fill in the gaps” and provide enough support under the more recessed parts of the body profile. For example a floor is very firm but doesn’t provide any support under the lumbar curve or the waist even though it provides great “support” under the pelvis or shoulders.

There is more about “primary support”, “secondary support”, and “pressure relief” and the relationship between them in post #4 here and more about some of the symptoms of pain or discomfort that someone may experience on a mattress in post #2 here. The goal is always good spinal alignment which means having the “right” amount of support under each part of the body … not just a firmer mattress. While a mattress that is too soft overall can certainly lead to back issues … so can a mattress that is too firm which can also also result in the spine sagging out of alignment.

Since you don’t feel the mattress when you are sleeping (and this is when it needs to do its job) … the “ideal” when you wake up is “wow … I slept well” :slight_smile:


Only because I am pretty frustrated this a.m., I am posting on this thread…

Last night was perhaps the worst night sleep I can recall in years… Much discomfort and a lot of tossing and turning. Wife was there to remind me all night long that this is a process that needs time and to stop being impatient. :angry:

Hi Thrasher,

Your wife is giving you good advice and for some people it certainly is a process. It may also be worth trying your mattress without the wool topper to see if this makes any difference. Some of the other suggestions in post #2 here may also be helpful.

Even if you end up needing to make a mattress exchange … spending as much time as possible (within reason) with the mattress you have will be helpful in helping you decide which mattress you exchange for is likely to work best for you.


Well, after one LONG week…

I’ve noticed sleeping on my stomach minimally, compared to previously. Noticed sleeping on my side and back a lot more. While laying on my side, my shoulder hurts and after a week my mid-lower back hurts every morning. Which, I’ve never had lower back issues. My back pains have always been upper back and neck. We also purchased some shredded memory foam pillows in an effort to help this process. In the store they were nice, but at home they are too hard at times.

As far as my back goes, not sure if this means, my body is still adjusting, or if it means the bed is too firm. Figured I’d post as a way to track it. We are going to keep test driving it for a few more weeks at least.