How often to flip?

Soooo, my 2-sided pillow top innerspring from Royal Bedding is being delivered today, and I was curious as to how often it should be flipped to avoid any problems. Ginger suggested to flip at least every 3 months, and rotate end to end every other time. I’m assuming that means: first time–flip. 2nd time–flip & rotate. 3rd time–flip. 4th time–flip & rotate. Would it be better to do this every 2 months, just to be safe? Every month?

I just want it to last as long as it can without any sinking spots :slight_smile:

Hi Vicky,

The “best practice” would be to flip and/or rotate the mattress a little more frequently at first and then “once a season” is fine after that. You can see the flipping and rotating guidelines that I would normally suggest in post #2 here.


Thanks Phoenix,
I read your guidelines, I get the one-sided rotation schedule; for 2 sided you said to alternate flipping & rotating–did you mean weekly at first, or maybe once a month for the first few months? Sorry, just trying to make sure I comprehend :slight_smile:

I always recommend to do something to the mattress at the beginning of every month. For a two-sided, alternate flipping or spinning every month. It’s not an exact science- just try and even out the wear in order to get the best life out of the product.


Hi Vicky,

The only difference between the schedule for a one sided and a two sided mattress is that with a one sided mattress you would only be rotating the mattress while with a two sided mattress you would be alternatively flipping and rotating the mattress. The time frames and frequency would be the same.

At first I would do it more frequently to even out the initial wear on the mattress as it breaks in and then you can extend the length of time after that. As Jeff mentioned monthly would be even better than quarterly but not everyone wants to (or remembers to) flip and/or rotate every month and more frequently earlier on will have a bigger effect on the useful life of the mattress than it will when you have slept on the mattress for a longer period of time.


OOOHHH! Ok, thanks so much, Phoenix. I know it’s not rocket science, ha ha. But good to know that the more frequently it’s flipped/rotated in the beginning the better off it will be in the long run!


Have there ever been any posts on what happens to a mattress during this “recovery phase” after a flip/rotate?

I have a memory foam mattress that’s given me some amazing nights of sleep, but whenever I rotate it, I seem to temporarily take several steps backward comfort-wise. It takes several weeks for me to re-adjust, or perhaps for the mattress to re-settle in, before I hit peak performance again.


Hi The Toddler,

While memory foam mattresses are one sided so they can’t be flipped … when you rotate a mattress you are sleeping in a different area of the mattress and the foam in the areas that are used less will have had a chance to rest and recover some of their firmness which has been affected by constant or more regular compression or from any humidity that is trapped inside the mattress so it will generally feel a little firmer than the areas that you have slept on more often. This is generally more noticeable earlier in the life of a mattress than later on once the firmness of the surface has had the chance to even out and the foams don’t recover as much.


Nice information on this thread for both one sided and two sided mattress rotation/flip routines, thanks.


I j rotated my mattress from head to feet for the first time today after 5 days from initial use, I use my mattress also a seat to watch TV and to go on my laptop in my room after work thus the initial wear in was a bit faster than normal and it’s also the reason why I choose to go with a two sided mattress.

Would it be ideal to first rotate from head to toe then rotate and flip the second time, afterwards alternating between the two in order?

It’s kind of confusing question but if you rotate the first time then just flip the next without rotating during at the some time of flipping then you’d end up on the same side you were on head to toe wise just flipped where as if you rotate the first time then rotate and flip the next time you’d be on the flipped side of where you started off before rotating (which has been recovering) head to toe wise just flipped instead of on the other flip side of the head to toe side you were just laying on…LOL

Spin 180 degree counter-clockwise. Next time flip over right to left. Repeat in this sequence. It will all even out.

My old mattress was two-sided and had a “summer” and a “winter” side (the cover was coton on one side, wool on the other). I also slept alone most of the time (important, as I tend to always sleep on the same side of the bed).

I would flip it over every 6 months (spring and fall) and spin it around in between (summer / winter) - taking the opportunity to give it a good vacuuming / spot cleaning session and deep wash the bedskirt. I also spinned the foundation every once in a while, let’s say once a year.

That’s a particularly convenient tw0 sided mattress, I’ll have to use the labels on my mattress to determine when to flip and when to rotate if it’s been too long since the last session; I usually just flip and/or rotate my mattress once per month but I never rotate the foundation in which I plan on doing now every 6 months (fall and spring) or yearly.