Ikea Latex Matresses

Interesting visit to Ikea today. Iā€™ve uploaded new pics in post #3 here. Observations:

There is no longer a thin talalay over thick polyfoam hybrid (formerly Fjordgard).

Several mattresses now have multiple versions under the same name.

Morgedal comes in two firmnesses. Only the medium firm is shown online. The firm one was on display and felt very firm.

Matrand comes in memory foam and latex versions, with different amounts of polyfoam. The latex is 12cm (4.7") Mountaintop C3. I do not see the latex version online. Of the three latex mattresses, this felt in between the other two in firmness, demoed on a Sultan Aram foundation.

Myrbacka also comes in memory foam and latex versions, with different amounts of polyfoam. I do not see the memory foam version online. Of the three latex mattresses, this felt the firmest, also demoed on a Sultan Aram foundation. The latex tag was not accessible, but it looks like 6" thick. I took a quick peek inside the demo and it looked like the holes were of even size (maybe 1/2") and spacing. I wondered if the extra firmness was due to it being molded Dunlop, but the Ikea web site says it is zoned, so maybe it is just a thicker layer of the Mountaintop.

Morgongava is latex only. There is a zipper but it only goes across one end and about a foot down each side. Iā€™d think it would be pretty difficult to remove and especially to re-insert the mattress into this ā€œenvelope.ā€ Of the three latex mattresses, this felt the softest, though it was demoed on a Sultan Luroy slatted base which has a bit of spring to it.
