Is Select Foam legit or not???

Hi vmvsqd7,

Rather than dealing with all your points one by one (they have all been answered on the forum on several occasions and you appear to have read the replies) a phone call would clarify all of them if you have doubts and I would just suggest that you talk with them rather than going by other people’s speculation so you can make up your own mind based on your own experience. I would also question why you are saying “nothing has improved” when most of the issues … whether they were directly connected with Select foam or their suppliers … have been resolved although they have a way to go to revamp their website.

Just as an example you can read about the warranty here.

As you know I believe that along with the other members here they are among the best quality/value available and I think that if you take the time to talk with them you will find that much of what has been written is not accurate and in many cases (although not all) there has been more to the “story” than what was posted in some of the forum posts here. In some cases the posts here have completely misrepresented the circumstances and much of the story was left out. I would even go so far as to say that I would question whether some of them had an agenda based on information I am aware of (I usually check the circumstances behind “complaints” on the forum about the members).

You can read more about plant based foams in post #2 here but the highest plant based polyol replacement I’m aware of is in the range of 50%. If the polyol / isocyanate ratio was 1-1 (which it rarely is) then the total plant based ingredients would be 25%. They are certainly a step in the right direction but there is a long way to go.

I don’t know who “everyone else” is but the simple truth is that they have many happy customers and yes … they will take care of you and no … they don’t sell “toxic foam”. Of course each person is free to deal with any retailer or manufacturer they are comfortable with and if for some reason you are not comfortable dealing with them based on your own personal experience then of course I would look elsewhere.

So to answer the question in your heading … they are certainly not perfect and they would be the first to recognize that they have things they can continue to improve but they are head and shoulders above the majority of the industry and yes they are legit and have been for 8 years.
