Is there a magic brand that exists for chronic pain?

I’m truly impressed by your thorough knowledge of the bedding industry and appreciate all the details and direction you’ve provided me over the months.

Your expertise is quite extensive and honestly, it would’ve been a much longer and agonizing process without it.

I’m excited that I’ve come to another decision I’m comfortable with and will order an exchange soon.

I’ll keep you posted on the outcome. Thank you once again!

I’ve actually enjoyed the learning process and should I return to the workforce, maybe I’ll look at helping people like you! It’s a fascinating “science” as well as a deeply personal luxury everyone needs but have so little understanding of.

Janel Dreeka

Hi Janel (santamonicagal)

You’re certainly very welcome and thank you for the kind words. I’m glad that the site is so helpful and that you are gaining clarity.

I am very happy to see that you are excited about it! People really underestimate the value of gathering good quality, restorative sleep. You can see a bit of our origin here. :slight_smile:

Keep us posted


Love the humor, thanks for this… thank goodness for backbones and your beautiful Latex!!