latex and memory foam

Hi JaywawkWS6,

You’re most welcome!

It is unfortunate that I wasn’t able to try a talalay latex mattress. I did notice that I wasn’t a fan of the tight stiff cover that was used on the Savvy Rest

While the cover does soften a bit over time, it is not nearly as elastic as the stretch-knits popular with many other brands. The stiffness of the cover, as it is the closest layer to your skin, can dramatically impact the feel of even Talalay latex.

These mattress come in quite a few different configurations and they use Dunlop latex, and while the terms for “firm”, “medium” and “soft” will vary by mattress company to describe their layers, and of course the latex will vary by manufacturer, you certainly would have been in the “same range” of style of product and the covering used in the Bella Sera has more give to it than the one used by Savvy Rest.

My thought is also that the upper layers of the Wisdom is Talalay, but I haven’t had time today to phone and confirm this for you. That, combined with the different foam configurations and the different cover, certainly dovetail with your response to the mattress and your thoughts on what you personally prefer.

It is a lot of information, but I would start by going through their web sites and look for a configuration similar to the one that you liked at Urban Mattress. If you think you’ve found something similar online, your next best step is a phone call with the manufacturer (as opposed to emails or an online chat) and explain to them what you tried and what you are trying to duplicate. This will give you the best opportunity in approximating the feel you liked. And sticking with Talalay, at least in the upper layers, is also a good thought.

The better options or possibilities I’m aware of in and around the Fort Collins, CO area which would include Windsor are listed in post #4 here .

Good luck!
