Latex Mattress Thinkness


I was refering to

“While you would probably be “OK” with 8 - 9” of latex… the odds are that you would probably be better off with a mattress that was more in the range of 11" to 12" of latex. As to the specific layering … I would work with each individual manufacturer for their specific suggestions based on their experience with their own design and the components they use. As I mentioned in the linked posts as well … I would also tend towards blended Talalay (which in softer ILD’s is more durable than 100% natural as well as lower priced) or 100% natural Dunlop (which is more supportive than Talalay in the same ILD because it gets firmer faster with deeper compression) unless there was a particularly compelling reason for you to choose otherwise based on your own personal preferences and experience."

from this thread.