Looking at innerspring mattress

Which mattress brands offer fully chemical free mattresses or allow you to get a fully chemical free mattress via prescription? I will also look at that option as I’d like a chemical free mattress. And I’d assume most mattress manufacturers, including the independant ones probably get foam and materials that already have the flame retardant chemicals in them. So getting a prescription for chemical free mattress may not do any good depending on the manufacturer.

Hi jasonsmith,

I don’t keep a list of the specific mattresses or materials that each manufacturer makes because it would be impossible to keep up with but it would also depend on how you define “chemical free”.

Polyfoam and memory foam both are made with petrochemicals but many of them are certified for harmful substances or VOC’s through CertiPur. Most manufacturers make foam without flame retardants (although they also offer flame retardant foams as an option) because most mattresses use barrier fire retardant systems that don’t require flame retardant foam.

Synthetic fibers use chemicals in their production.

Synthetic fabrics use chemicals in their production.

Synthetic latex is made with petrochemicals but most latex is certified for harmful substances or VOC’s through OekoTex.

100% natural and organic latex can use up to about 5% chemicals (foaming agents, curing agents, soaps, gelling agents, accelerators, antioxidants, and others) to make the latex foam but it is also certified through OekoTex, Eco Institut or other similar certifications.

Solvent based glues contain chemicals but even latex based glues contain some chemicals.

The only chemical free fire barrier would be wool that didn’t use any chemicals because even the viscose/silica fire barriers use chemicals to make the viscose materials.

Most people would consider most of these these to be “safe” but if you wanted a mattress that didn’t have any chemicals of any kind regardless of whether any chemicals used were safe (and many are) then you would be limited to natural fibers (that didn’t use any chemicals in their production) and innersprings.

If safety is your concern rather than the actual use of chemicals of any kind then post #2 here can help you answer the question of “how safe is safe enough for me?” and which material certifications you are comfortable with.

Once you’ve decided which materials and fire retardant methods you are comfortable with then you could talk to local manufacturers or online manufacturers that made mattresses with these materials. If you don’t want any fire barriers or fire retardants at all … chemical or otherwise … then you could also ask them if they would make a mattress without any fire barriers or retardants with a prescription.


I would say I’d be more worried about the flame retardant chemicals.

I’ll call and check on the flame retardant free mattress, but I doubt this will be an easy option. As I’d say the mattress company gets materials that already have the flame retardant stuff in the material, vs. them applying it. So I doubt they’d special order flame retardant free materials. And if they did, it would probably cost too much extra.

Do you know of less expensive latex mattress options that you can try in the store? I think the latex mattresses tend to have less chemicals in them compared to a regular mattress.

Hi jasonsmith,

It would generally be the other way around and they’d have to order flame retardant foams and it would cost extra.

If you let me know your city or zip I’d be happy to let you know of any options I’m aware of in your area.
