Looking for a high quality COOL SLEEPING mattress


You can see some comments about Nature’s Sleep (.com not .ca which is a completely different company) in this topic. A forum search on naturessleep.com (you can just click the link) will also bring up some additional comments about them as well. You are probably already aware of this but the prices listed on their website are outrageously high and aren’t the “real” selling prices for their mattresses.

Outside of confirming that a mattress is a good match for you in terms of PPP (or making sure that there is a good return/exchange policy if you are uncertain) ,… the most important part of the value of a mattress purchase is the quality and durability of the materials inside it (regardless of the name of the manufacturer on the label) so I would always make sure that you are able to find out the information listed here so you can confirm that there aren’t any lower quality materials or weak links in any mattress that you are considering.

There is also more about purchasing a mattress that is made in China that may be subject to longer periods of compression during shipping and storage and some of the additional uncertainty that can be involved in post #6 here.

The better options or possibilities I’m aware of in and around the Charlotte, NC area (subject to the quality/value guidelines I linked in my last reply) are listed in post #2 here.
