Looking for a mattress in NH

Hi Shecki,

Don’t forget that “soft and plush” and supportive are opposites and your best choice will always be a balance between them that best fits your needs and preferences. The soft and plush part will come primarily from the comfort layers and if you go too far in this direction you will compromise support. The supportive part will primarily come from the deeper layers and if you go too far in this direction you may compromise pressure relief. This is part of why more objective testing for each (pressure relief and alignment) can be so valuable … particularly with the help of someone with the experience and knowledge to know that customers that go by subjective ideas of comfort on a mattress will likely make worse choices that they will not be a likely to be happy with over time.

Post #2 here has some links to posts and feedback about some of the better outlets within reasonable driving distance but there aren’t a lot of “best value” choices in your back yard that i’m aware of. I’ll take a quick look online for some of the outlets that may have some better “local” value a little later today but your best overall value (as opposed to the best that may be available locally) would likely include a drive into MA.

Exactly. They have a list of the layers in the top picture of most of their mattresses but nothing about the quality of the materials they use (only the type) … and this is the biggest problem with most of the lower quality/value outlets and the reason I wouldn’t consider them unless they gave me the information I wanted with a phone call (type and density/quality of all the layers) or it was available online. See post #4 here about my conversation with them. Without knowing what is in a mattress … there is no way to know it’s quality or make meaningful comparisons with other mattresses and if this information isn’t easily available (on a phone call) I would pass them by. The only mattress that I would likely consider there would be the Naturally Bobs and even then I would want to know more details about the materials in it (type of latex and density of the support layer) before considering it. MyBobs tends towards lower quality materials and “budget” mattresses … which of course is fine if the details are disclosed and the prices “match” the materials.
