mattress manufacturers use materials from china?

Hi saraj,

I’m not too sure what the point is of your post, as many mattress manufacturers do import materials from overseas, sometimes for testing, sometimes for use in specialty lines, sometimes to sell to other manufactures, and sometimes for use in their own product lines, just to name a few examples. If that is a concern of yours, you certainly should contact any mattress brand you are considering and ask them of the source of their componentry.

The link you provided is not one I would consider as a completely reliable source of information, as the links provided do not all go to actual records of imports, and some lead to general web sites. Even if one had an actual record of the import BOLs, you would only have a general idea of what was being imported (for example, foam), and there would be no indication as to the application of that product or if it was even used in a mattress in a retail setting or for something like contract bedding. There is even information that is misleading on that site you linked about one manufacturer, as I am aware that one of their licensee facilities offers products using only 100% domestic componentry.

It seems as if your intention is to paint with a broad brush and “shock value” to imply that a mattress company is using imported material in all of their mattress lines, and while the history of this forum will show that I recommend against purchasing products using lower density foams that are common with brands like these, it is not the case currently that the majority or the foams in their mattresses are imported, as they do have rather larger contracts with domestic foam and wire suppliers. I personally would have a much larger concern with many of the “one size fits all” mattress importers and memory foam importer who bring over compressed foam and finished foam products from China, and you can read post #6 here about mattresses an foams imported from Asia or China and which may have been compressed for long periods of time in either shipping or storage before being purchased.

In the end, it certainly can be an important part of anyone’s personal value equation that they may prefer their products to be completely domestic, and “Made in the USA” certainly doesn’t mean “Made of 100% domestic materials”, so if that’s important to you, you can always place a phone call to any manufacturer and see if they will share that information with you. There’s absolutely no harm in making that call.

And since you are spamming this information across multiple web sites, I’ve deleted your previous post. Consider this your one and only warning of your violation of the rules of the forum, and any further posts like this that don’t contribute to the spirit of this forum will also be deleted and your posting privileges here will be revoked.
