Most chemical & synthetic free mattress for kids

Hi Leann,

Post #2 here includes links to most of the better forum posts and topics about mattresses and children which includes information about the better options for children that I’m aware of.

There is also more in post #2 here and the posts it links to about organic, natural, green, and “safe” mattress materials and the differences between them (all of these have different meanings) that should help you decide on which materials you are most comfortable with and sort through the complex and somewhat confusing issues that can help you answer “how safe is safe enough for me?” on a more personal level.

Once you have narrowed down the materials you are comfortable with it will be much easier making choices based on your “material” criteria.

Latex Green, Arpico, and CoCo latex are all Dunlop foam manufacturers not mattress manufacturers and they supply their latex to mattress manufacturers that make mattresses of every size. CoCo latex manufactures their Dunlop latex in India but their North American office and supplier is Latex Global in California.
