Motion transference problem

Hi Tochsia361,

Welcome to the MattressUnderGround and thank you for becoming a valued MUGster!

Currently, @MattressToGo isn’t accepting questions, so I’ll provide some information to address your query.

In short, yes, Tempurpedic mattresses are typically known for limiting motion between sleepers, so it’s unexpected that you’re experiencing disruption. However, as foams degrade, the mattress’s quality characteristics can diminish, potentially causing motion issues. A single failing layer of foam can compromise the entire mattress system. So moving to a split king is one solution, but not the only solution.

I recently addressed a similar concern from another MUGster here (Split internal, Twin XL Motion Isolation Options), which might provide insights into your options.

Feel free to review that post to see if it addresses your concerns. Additionally, if you have further questions about motion isolation concerning specific mattress materials or designs, our Trusted Members are available to assist. Simply prefix their name with @ (e.g., @Maverick) to alert them to your question. They may take up to a day to respond due to their nationwide commitments, but rest assured, they’re dedicated to helping you find solutions, even beyond their own products.

I hope this information helps!

All the best,
