MySide Series 6 GVL?

Hi JoeLemaire,

The first thing I would suggest is to read this article which will hopefully help you avoid most of the worst choices you could make when you are mattress shopping … including Kingsdown and all the other major brands and mainstream outlets and chain stores.

My reply in post #2 here from earlier this morning also includes the same type of comments that I would make to your questions and comments. Without knowing the details of every layer in your mattress there is just no way to know the real quality or value of a mattress you are considering or make meaningful comparisons with other mattresses that use similar materials and have similar benefits.

Without meaningful information … it would be like choosing between two different pieces of furniture that had a similar look and function but where you didn’t know which one was mostly particle board and veneer and which was MDF or real wood or which parts of the furniture included the different materials in each of your choices. They will all perform the same way for a while but real wood is higher quality and value and will last much longer than lesser materials. When we buy a mattress … we are sleeping on the materials it is made from and not the label on a mattress. The quality of materials and construction means much more than the label of the manufacturer or the model names which mean very little.

The “perfectmatch” system can be a tool (which should never be more important or considered more accurate than what your body feels or replace accurate testing for pressure relief and alignment) but it is mostly used as a marketing tool to sell Kingsdown mattresses and the high profit margins that goes with them. Thee system is “matched” to specific Kingsdown mattresses and is not designed to help with other mattresses that you may be considering. I would treat it as a minor factor in your choices.

If you let me know the city or zip where you live, I’d be happy to take a look and let you know of any factory direct manufacturers or better retail outlets that I’m aware of in your area where the odds are much better that you will find better quality and value.
