Need advise making decision between 2 manufacturers

Hi mama3boys,

I would need to know the specifics of each layer in both mattresses to make any meaningful comments or comparisons.

You can read more about the factors that are involved in the quality/durability and useful life of a mattress in post #4 here but the most important thing I would look for is any “weak links” in a mattress which means that I would make sure that there is no more than “about an inch or so” of lower quality materials in the comfort layers. In a two sided mattress I would use a minimum guideline of 1.5 lb polyfoam and in a one sided mattress I would use a minimum guideline of 1.8lb polyfoam and 4 lb memory foam or gel memory foam.

I should also mention that the innerspring in the OMF Orthopedic lineup is an offset coil … not a pocket coil.

Which one is better value would depend on all the criteria of your personal value equation that are most important to you … with the most important part of “value” being a good “match” in terms of PPP and the next being the quality of the materials so you have some reasonable assurance that the comfort layers won’t soften or degrade prematurely and lead to the loss of comfort and/or support too quickly.

If they can provide the missing information about each layer and you can post it here I’d be happy to make more comments.

Overall … the OMF is two sided so it meets the minimum guidelines I would use (although I would still want to know the specifics of each layer) and since the Grand Legacy is one sided I would want more specific information about all the layers (layer thickness and density from top to bottom) before I considered it.

Just in case you haven’t seen it yet … some of the better options and possibilities I’m aware of in the Cleveland area are listed in post #2 here.
