Need recommendations for mattress retailers/outlets in Chicago Area

Thank you for this site- the information available here is extremely useful! I need to replace a 20-yr-old innerspring mattress , and have simply been paralyzed by this process. Now that I’ve read this site’s info about what to look for/avoid in a mattress, I feel more confident.

Are there shops in the Chicago metro area that are user-friendly, meaning those that are knowledgeable and will tell me what I need to know about the construction of specific mattresses?

Suggestions/experiences are much appreciated!

Hi freespeechmama,

The better options and possibilities I’m aware of in the Chicago area are listed in posts #2 and #4 here and one of them is a member here, is completely transparent, and among the best quality/value choices available.



Thanks so much for your quick response, and providing the links to the posts. I’ll be checking out some of those companies this week (really need to dump my current mattress, ouch!).


Hi freespeechmama,

I’m looking forward to your feedback from your mattress shopping :slight_smile:
