Need to tweak my latex mattress

Hi Kristin,

This depends on the support underneath the plywood (which I know is your CPS foundation) but 1/8" would be on the thin side for my liking … especially over time even if not initially. While it seems to me that what is underneath the foundation is OK (your Ikea iron bed with the 3 bed beams which should be plenty strong enough to support the foundation itself), the bigger issue for me would be any sagging on the top of the foundation with fewer slats and possibly softer wood. If it does sag, then 1/8 inch plywood would be much more likely to sag along with it over time although it would make the slats stronger than they would be by themselves by spreading the weight out. There really is no “right” answer to this though … only the degree of risk you are comfortable with and the heavier the weight the greater the risk of a foundation sagging. My tendency would be to use thicker plywood if I did go in this direction at all.

I would personally go with the extra slats that koala mentioned in the other thread rather than a sheet of plywood … more comments about that there.

I also can’t think of any logical explanation for this either. This would seem to me too to be subjective but only because lI can’t think of anything else to account for it :slight_smile:

I think this would be a mistake for a couple of reasons.

First, I don’t believe that FBM sells 20 ILD talalay latex … although they say they do. Before buying anything from them, I would read post #2 here and the posts it links to.

Second, I think that any 3" topper may be too thick because you already have 3" of soft latex on top of your mattress. If you need more pressure relief, then the thinnest layer possible that would do the job would generally be better for alignment. The closer to the firmer support layers you are, the better they can hold up your heavier parts and maintain your best alignment. I would consider an inch or at the very most 2" as a topper that was being used on 3" of softer foam. The more soft foam on top of a mattress … the greater the risk of misalignment and sinking in unevenly (heavier parts sinking in further while the lighter parts were being “held up” by the lower ILD foam).

I would make sure that any latex topper includes a good quality fabric cover to protect it from damage. Latex can degrade more quickly with longer term exposure to Ozone and Ultraviolet light and a good cover is always important. Your mattress protector would go over this but it’s designed to protect from moisture, body oils, stains etc.
