New purchase: SleepEZ 13000

An update and a request for some advise.

After a few weeks with the 13000 in the S-M-F-XF my wife and I felt like the standard mattress cover that was included with the bed was causing too much of a trampoline effect and not allowing the latex to conform to out bodies enough. This was both with and without the St. Dormeir protector on the bed. I ordered the 4-way stretch cotton cover from SleepEZ. That seemed to solve the trampoline issue for both of us.

Now, almost 2 months in, I think the comfort of the bed is now pretty good. My wife, an occasional side sleeper, complains of occasional hip or shoulder pain when she sleeps on her side and would also like a more “cloudlike” experience in the bed. I think I can solve her comfort issue by swapping over one of my soft layers for her medium to try out for a couple of nights. I also think that a mattress protector/topper with some polyfill or polyfoam in it might giver her a more cloudlike experience. But generally, we are both ok (not in love) with the level of comfort of the bed.

Our biggest problem right now is the liveliness or jiggliness of the bed. We dont have any problems with slow speed motion transfer (like from slowly rolling on the bed). We are having problems with some “faster” motions (like from smacking the top of the bed like a drum). We are constantly waking each other up and I actually think that it sometimes cause me to wake myself up. We really cant sleep together on the bed right now. I have moved everything to the floor to make sure the foundation was not causing the issue. I have also made sure that the protector and sheets aren’t on really tight. I think that the livelines of the latex is what is causing us grief.

The liveliness issue has been brought up by several other member here:

I called Jeremy at SleepEZ and described my problem. He told me that he had never had anyone complain about that sort of thing before and didn’t have any suggestions until I started asking him about adding memory foam to the mix. He said that he thought it was worth a shot and that they were building beds with memory foam/latex combos.

So, now some questions. I now how a 12" towering stack of jiggly latex that I am trying to calm down. Am I just going to be fighting this the whole time since I have 4 layers of 3" (relatively expensive) Talalay? Would I be better off starting over? Jeremey at SleepEZ offered to get the RMA process started (great customer service). Any suggestions on what to do? I dont mind spending extra money on a memory foam (or other) topper to make the bed feel the way we want it but I dont really want to spend money covering up a problem that I created by purchasing the wrong bed for us.

When I started this “project”, one of the goals was to get away from the traditional disposable mattress. I dont mind replacing a comfort layer every few years as long as I dont have to scrap the whole bed. I would really like to figure this out, even if it means starting with a different base that the SleepEZ that I originally purchased.