New SleepEZ Latex bed


Based on reading the buying guides on this site and from other research, we bought a SleepEZ Latex king size bed.

We’ve slept on the bed for 8 nights now and are mostly enjoying it. I’m sleeping better so far than I was on my previous memory foam mattress, which was 9 years old and losing its supportiveness. There is one issue I’m dealing with. When lying on my back, the front of my thighs will sometimes start tingling and go slightly numb. I start to notice the tingling within a few minutes of lying down. I’ve woken up in the morning with numb tingly thighs two mornings, out of the 8. Despite this, like I mentioned it’s not stopping me from getting a decent nights sleep.

In general, what could cause numb tingly thighs while lying on my back? Maybe mattress is too firm for my lower back and hip area?

I am a 5’9" 170lb man

The bed is:
bottom layer - 3" Dunlop Firm
middle layer - 3" Dunlop Medium
top layer - 2" Talalay Soft

Thank you!

Hello mdmccullough76 and thanks for reaching out on this! It sounds like you’re having pretty standard pressure point issues, which isn’t super common but it can certainly happen. Please keep in mind that we ship our mattress covers out to be quite tight, because we understand that the cover will break in a bit over the first 2 months. As the cover breaks in, the fabric and stitching will relax and once that happens, you will sink into the mattress more, making for a softer feel and more pressure relief, which might solve the problem right there. If you don’t want to wait for the cover to break in, we would be happy to send you a layer exchange. In this case, we would send you a medium Talalay layer and you would send back the medium Dunlop you have now. Since this is your first layer exchange we will only charge $30 to send you a new layer. Since you initially placed your order online and our online merchant account does not retain credit card information we have no way of processing this payment. If you will you please call us at your earliest convenience with a debit or credit card number we will get your exchange layer shipped out as soon as possible. We can be reached at 480-966-9282.

We will ship your layers first, and we will ship them with extra plastic that you can use to package your current layers, and we will ship it with a pre-paid Fed Ex return label. The boxes we ship layer exchanges in are larger than the ones that your mattress shipped in, so I recommend using the layer exchange boxes to ship your exchanged layers back. Also, if you will please call us when you are ready to ship your layers back we will schedule a free Fed Ex pick up for you. You will have 30 days after its arrival to return a layer of your choosing, so please feel free to take the time to try a few different combinations with the layers you have now and the layer we will be sending you so that you can get your comfort and support levels just right.

Thank you for the response! I haven’t had the tingling legs since my original post. It could have been a combination of my sciatic issue and my body trying to get used to the mattress that was making my legs fall asleep. The mattress is very comfortable. I truly am enjoying the mattress and I’m getting really good sleep. Also my wife loves it and is having no issues. I’ll post any updates.