Organic/Natural Latex -- Found My Right Mix in a Showroom, but Considering Buying Online

Hi bdm7,

The better options or possibilities Iā€™m aware of in the Washington DC area are listed in post #2 here. You may need to call some of them to make sure they carry mattresses that fit your criteria but there are several there that are ā€œpossibilitiesā€.

@ AnalogJ

Iā€™m guessing you mean Flybynight in Northampton? If thatā€™s who you mean they are a BE dealer and also carry other mattresses as well. You can see my comments about them in the post #6 here and they are included in the Springfield/Northampton, MA list here. A forum search on flybynight will also bring up more comments and feedback about them as well. A forum search on Berkeley Ergonomics will also bring up much more information and feedback about them and as you know I also I think highly of them.
